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  • Different methods of steam inhalation

  • John Galsworthy

    February 25, 2025 at 3:21 pm

    This method uses Nelson’s inhaler i.e. an earthenware vessel that allows inhalation of steam and medicinal substances. When at home, you can use a jug instead of Nelson’s inhaler. Fill the tea kettle or mug with boiling water. Make a cone using cardboard paper a fit it on top of the kettle or mug. You can inhale steam that comes from the hole made on top of the cone. This method is used when you need steam in a higher quantity. An easy way to make a steam tent is to make blankets or sheets on either side of your bed. This helps absorb moisture. The steam can be directed into the tent from a kettle’s spout. You can perform this procedure for about half an hour and repeat it every four hours as per the severity of the condition.

    This method utilizes a small electric vaporizer and a jar filled with water. A perforated cup with a small metal spout attached to the top of the jar. The metal spout is fitted with a cotton ball saturated with medicine placed inside the cup. As the water starts to boil, the steam along with medicine comes out through the spout and can be inhaled. Steam inhalation poses a risk of accidental scalding and related injuries. Learning about the risks is as important as knowing the benefits of steam inhalation. Therefore, it is extremely important to take precautions while inhaling steam.

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