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  • How to use growth hormone for training safely and effectively?

     markus 1988 updated 3 days, 22 hours ago 3 Members · 3 Posts
  • karol xxx

    December 20, 2024 at 12:43 am

    Guys, have any of you tried growth hormone for gaining weight? I’ve been training for several years, but the last few months my growth has slowed down. I eat well, train regularly, but the progress is minimal. I’m thinking about HGH, but I have doubts. How to choose a good product so as not to run into a fake? And in general, is it worth it? Maybe there are alternatives? I want to hear the opinion of those who have encountered this in practice.

  • Evi Rossa

    December 20, 2024 at 1:07 am

    I had a similar situation two years ago. Also stagnation in training, and nothing helped. In the end, I decided to try growth hormone. The main thing is to choose trusted sources so as not to stumble upon a low-quality product. I ordered the best human growth hormone for sale, there HGH for sale in a good dosage and with clear instructions. The drug helped me not only with gaining weight, but also improved recovery after heavy training. Fatigue decreased, and sleep became better. Of course, you need to carefully monitor the dosages and not exceed the recommended norms. Be sure to consult a doctor before starting. And remember – this is not a magic pill. Without discipline in food and training, no growth hormone will help.

  • markus 1988

    December 20, 2024 at 1:17 am

    I used Somatropin a few months ago and I can say that it really helped with muscle recovery and overall health. Although the results are noticeable if you follow the doctor’s recommendations and maintain the correct dosage, it is best not to experiment with dosages. I have also noticed an improvement in the quality of my skin, which is nice, as aging slows down a bit. Of course, it is important to store the drug correctly and monitor the body’s condition during the course.

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